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Getting rid of manuals to reduce stress

Today, we are talking about manuals. You've likely not heard of this concept, but stick with me, and you'll understand.  We know stressors are everywhere in medicine and, sometimes, we have more control than we realize in improving our experience.


Here's a scenario. Let's say you are checking your inbox before clinic starts, and you see a refill request with a lengthy explanation of why it's needed early. But you had only seen the patient once 18 months ago. They have seen your...

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Self-care revisited: Movement and Exercise

exercise movement self-care Sep 04, 2021

In our series of Self-Care Revisited, we have covered the why, sleep, nutrition, and this week we are discussing physical movement and exercise.


There are many benefits of just moving, not being sedentary, including improving postural autonomic health (goodbye dizziness when standing) and decreasing overall cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality.  It's more important to be moving with the aim of 10,000 steps a day than to have some formal exercise and be sedentary (less...

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Video: Setting Boundaries for Your Health


Last month we talked about dropping the manuals for others. In this month's vlog, we cover a coaching perspective on setting and keeping boundaries. 

Learn how the Joy in Family Medicine Hybrid Coaching Program can help your residency program here.

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Self-care revisited: Healthy Nutrition

nutrition self-care Aug 21, 2021

We are on part 3 of a 4-part series on getting back to the basics of self-care. The first week, we covered its importance and the objections. Last week we looked at restorative sleep. This week we tackle nutrition.


The amount of contradictory nutrition information out there is dizzying.  I’m going to give you my best tips I’ve collected from resources I consider reliable. Also, I recommend any of Harvard’s Lifestyle Medicine courses as they are amazing. (And, no,...

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Self-care revisited: Restorative Sleep

We covered why self-care is important and addressed a few common objections last week. Let's delve into arguably the most essential self-care basic -- Restorative Sleep. In fact, it’s the foundation of self-care. Keep in mind that if you're already waking up feeling refreshed and not sleepy throughout the day – you can keep doing whatever it is that is working for you.  Most physicians, however, will tell you they are low on sleep – some of it out of their control and...

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Self-care revisited

I can hear you thinking, “What?!  Not more about self-care. Don’t put the onus on us. Fix the system!” Before I tackle that perspective, let me lay out my plan for the next 4 weeks. I’m going to get back to the basics of self-care – restorative sleep, good nutrition, movement/exercise.  We have human bodies, and every human body functions best with these three things. So, while self-care can look different for each of us, there are some core things we...

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Video: Holding too Many Manuals

acceptance manuals vlog Jul 31, 2021

This month's vlog is about how keeping manuals for how things "should be" and how people "should act" causes some unnecessary drama and suffering.  Since we can't control people, wishing they were different causes us more pain. Acceptance is such a healthy way to live. But that doesn't mean you can't have "asks" or work to improve things. Stay tuned for next month's vlog on boundaries to see how these two concepts go hand-in-hand.

If you know of a resident or faculty who is struggling,...

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Step 3: Calming the Chaos and Cultivating Harmony - Mental Energy

chaos harmony mental energy Jul 24, 2021

So far, we have discussed taking back control of our time and attention Now for the 3rd step.  We need to protect and build our mental energy.


How do we do this? I have 5 tips, but good news - 2 of them are reviews from Steps 1 and 2.  


Honor your priority for your rejuvenation time/self-care. Whatever it is that revitalizes you, make it a priority and keep your appointment with yourself. We mentioned in Step 1 how it leads to better efficiency. And I’m...

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Step 2: Calming the Chaos and Cultivating Harmony - Attention

Last week we covered key area #1 – Taking back control of your time. This week we are moving to the 2nd key area to address to gain some calm – taking back control of your attention.


As residents and academic physicians with full lives outside of work, the demands for your attention are numerous! Those demands add to the chaos and seeming lack of harmony. Let’s think through 4 steps of gaining control in this area.


Be present. You may recognize this from other...

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Step 1: Calming the Chaos and Cultivating Harmony - Time

This week, we will look at one of 3 key areas you can clean up to gain some control and improve harmony in your career and life outside of work. 


Today we will discuss gaining more control of your time.  I know, I know – you don’t have much control, and you feel you have way too much to do to fit it all in. Trust me. I know.


According to author Laura Vanderkam, we all have 168 hours a week. I checked her math. She’s right. Many residents, maxing out...

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