Take a listen as Dr Michelle Chestovich and I discuss coaching and medical training.
Join me in a discussion with Dr Shillcutt about how we deal with change - even those changes with which we don't agree, on her podcast, The Brave Enough Show.
Listen in as Dr Jessie Mahoney and I talk about the key to culture change in medicine on her Mindful Healers Podcast.
Join me in a conversation with Dr Key, family physician and coach, as we discuss ways to interact with medical students and residents as community physicians in her podcast - Thriving as a Physician.
Join me as Dr McCrary and I discuss my "Reset" on the ResetMD podcast. We also discuss a few tips for wellness.
Take a listen as Drs. Dinsmore, Cazier, and Morrison - all fabulous EM physicians and coaches let me join in a great conversation about coaching in the world of medical training. Podcast Link
Take a listen as Dr Street, an MFM in FT practice and contract negotiation coach, discuss graduates' opportunities for negotiations.
I was so grateful to chat with Dr. Megan Melo about coaching in academic family medicine. Listen here.
I am so honored to have been interviewed by Dr. Una on her Doctors Changing Medicine Podcast.
Take a Listen HERE
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