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Physician Success Tool: Confidence, Part 3 - A Look at Three More Barriers.

We are in week 3 of a 4-week series on confidence. The first week we reviewed the normal development of confidence and last week, we reviewed a trio of issues that interfere with gaining confidence and actually often unjustly decrease confidence. This week we look at three more common interrupters – comparison, external validation, and projected judgment.


“Comparison is the thief of joy” has been attributed to a few famous leaders. Regardless of who said it, it is so...

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Physician Success Tool: Confidence, Part 2 - A Look at Three Common Barriers.

Last week we looked at the natural progression of confidence. However, we all know confidence doesn't always follow the expected course, and often even when it's high, something knocks it down. So, this week, we look at why that happens.


There are at least six common saboteurs of confidence. 1. Maladaptive perfectionism. 2. An overly boisterous inner critic.  3. Impostor Phenomenon. 4. Comparison. 5. Over-reliance on external validation. 6. Projected Judgment. Many of...

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Physician Success Tool: Growing in Confidence Part 1

We all have areas we are more confident in than other areas of our lives. It's natural. Overcoming insecurities is a powerful thing that takes dedication and trust. In the coming weeks, we will uncover the issues that get in the way of this process and open a dialogue about having self-confidence when doing something new. Today we dig into the typical process of growing in confidence.


Merriam-Webster gives the essential definition of confidence as "a feeling or belief that you...

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A fresh look at Resiliency in Medicine, Self-Evaluation Part 4

This week we conclude the series of a more robust understanding of resiliency in medicine. This week we turn our attention to early warning systems and a couple of unique and cool components. 


For the past two weeks, we looked at your resources – what you have and what you need that is within your control or influence (this includes the organizational responsibility in this process), and the usage of those resources – the intentionally placed, the...

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A fresh look at Resiliency in Medicine, Self-Evaluation Part 3

This week we continue the series on a fuller understanding of resiliency in medicine. Last week, we looked at your resources (including what your organization supplies)– what you have and what you need that is within your control or influence and when to adjust. Today, we will look at the usage of those resources – the intentionally placed, the over-committed, and the waste.


We will continue using the model of a dam provided by Dr. Kemia Sarraf of...

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A Fresh Look at Resiliency in Medicine, Self-Evaluation Part 2

We are in the middle of a series of fresh perspectives on resiliency in medicine in which the entire system is considered - not just an individuals. Last week, I started you on a resiliency self-evaluation using Dr. Kemia Serraf’s model of a dam system. This week, we are continuing to audit your ability to snap back after daily challenges, including unexpected ones. Do you have your pen and paper or digital writing device?


Let's define resiliency more fully once...

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A Fresh Look at Resiliency in Medicine, Self-Assessment Part 1

We are starting out 2024 with a series taking a fresh look at resiliency. Last week, I gave both an overview demonstrating how resiliency is better seen from a system view and a framework. The model developed by Dr. Kemia Serraf of Lodestar Trauma-Informed Coaching provides a beautiful analogy of a dam to this systemic process of resilience. This week, I’m offering a look at a couple of the components, taking a bit of creative license, and walking you through a self-evaluation...

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A Fresh Look at Resiliency in Medicine, Overview

resilience resources Jan 20, 2024

We all know that the term and concept of resilience have felt as if it's been used against physicians (and other healthcare workers) in recent years. The implication was that a lack of fortitude on behalf of physicians was the cause of burnout and moral injury. We all know that burnout is an occupational issue, not a mental health condition. And that moral injury is the result of feeling we have to practice in a way that goes against our core values. 


Resilience is the...

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Transformation -- the work of shifting your beliefs of who you are.

(Original post 7/21, updated 12/23)

This is the last post of a 5-part series on change, transition, and transformation


Today we look at a tool you can use to challenge your beliefs – especially those you want to change. What are the things you would like to believe about yourself? What are the results you want? Who do you want to be no matter the circumstance you face?  How do you want to show up – in your practice, in your relationships, in the world? 


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Video: Transitions in Life and Career as a Physician

transitions video vlog Jan 06, 2024

This month's vlog is about knowing the anatomy of typical change and transition so you can normalize the difficult parts.  More tips in my 5 part blog series - the final in the series comes out next week

Learn how the Joy in Family Medicine Hybrid Coaching Program can help your residency program here.

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