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What the Heck Does it Mean to Process an Emotion? --Coping in the World of Medicine: Part 3

This week we will conclude our series on coping. The first week, we discussed some positive external methods to cope, along with a list of resources.  Last week, we discussed internal mechanisms of coping.  And finally, we tackle the cliff-hanger of sitting with your emotion and processing it. 


Part of healthy coping involves processing emotions. As physicians, we often distance emotions. That serves us well in times of emergency to stay focused. It is also helpful when...

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Coping in the World of Medicine - Part 2

coping internal skills stress Apr 10, 2021

Last week we discussed the net-negative effect of poor coping mechanisms and positive external alternatives.  Today, we go a bit deeper into internal coping strategies. 


We are human, and as such, will experience the full range of human emotions. We need practical ways of dealing with the negative and stressful ones.


When you are on the verge of an emotional outburst or inburst, utilize a quick grounding or centering exercise. There are several out there.  Sit...

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Coping in the World of Medicine: Part 1

coping emotion feelings stress Apr 03, 2021

We've talked a bit in the past about coping with COVID19. I want to expand to discuss how we as physicians can deal with everyday stressors.

It's not news to say being a physician, especially a family physician, especially a resident or faculty physician, especially in a pandemic, can be stressful.  The question is, what do you do with that stress?  And what result is your coping mechanism leaving you with? We have previously discussed moral injury and closing the stress cycle, but...

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COVID19 Coping

The pandemic is stretching everyone in multiple directions simultaneously.  It is terribly inconvenient and disruptive.  It is stressing mental health, threatening livelihoods, altering futures, and taking lives.  It is affecting everyone in so many various ways.

How are you coping?


There is no right or wrong way to deal with this unprecedented global stress.  The important thing is we find a way to endure it and remain mentally and physically intact.



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