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Aspirations for an Ideal Future in Medicine: Mindset Challenges

This week we continue the series on fostering an ideal future in medicine. In the first week, we looked at the larger state of medicine and its future. Now, we are walking through the mindset hurdles that commonly hold us back from enjoying the most fulfilling careers we can create within the existing system.


Mindset Hurdles. There are four parts of your mindset that, if left unchecked, can hold you back from a more ideal future

1. Small dreams and not unpacking the vision. (...

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Optimizing Your Mindset in Medicine, Step 3 - Thought Framework

Over the last two weeks, I’ve laid out two fundamental steps to optimize your frame of mind. If you do nothing else, that alone is beneficial. This week, I’m ratcheting it up a notch to a more advanced step. This is the Thought Model Framework, developed from positive cognitive psychology by Brooke Castillo, a master-certified coach. This framework showed a positive impact in the largest multi-center controlled trial to date in GME. 


It’s essentially a...

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Optimizing Your Mindsets in Medicine, Step 2 - Fact vs Story

Your mind is a powerful tool for improving your day-to-day experience of your given situation. Last week, we discussed the first step of optimization—writing and reflecting on your thoughts. This week, we will use that download to move on to Step 2. 


By default, we believe our thoughts to be true. However, physicians, like most humans, have imperfect brains. Our thoughts, the sentences in our heads that our minds automatically produce, are colored by our experiences,...

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Optimizing Your Mindset in Medicine, Step 1 - Awareness

mindset thoughts Sep 20, 2024

It's been a while since I walked through some step-by-step methods of up-leveling our mindsets, so now seems like a great time for all of us to review this fundamental coaching strategy. Over the next few weeks, I will walk you through one method of optimization I use with those I coach mostly pulled from the framework set out by Brooke Castillo. 


Mindset is a mental inclination, a way of thinking. It's essentially the lens through which you view things, a frame of mind....

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Navigating changes and transitions as busy physicians.

(Original Post 6/21, updated 12/23)

Over the next few of weeks, we will review changes and transitions. Throughout a career in medicine, we face many of those. Today we are going to focus on changes related to you. 


Change can be defined as doing things differently, taking new approaches, seeking something new and/or different in yourself.


Reflect just a minute on your life and career. Make a couple of lists.


What changes do you desire?

What changes are you...

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Meaningful Change: A Workshop Blog

Last week, I wrote how physical exercise was the top area faculty and residents alike identified that, if changed, could make the most improvement in their well-being and joy. And so this week, I wanted to walk you through a framework that can be easily applied to lifestyle changes of many kinds, including exercise - workshop style! As a review – there are some key concepts I’ve written about previously regarding movement and exercise, so if this is important to you right now...

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Video: Receiving Feedback as Physicians For Growth


Join me in this month's vlog where my ever-patient instructor, Dr. Julie Hood Wilson, helps me learn to skate ski as an adult. We are joined by Holly Brooks, 2-time Olympian, and high-performance coach, as we discuss better ways to look at feedback as physicians. 

Ready to uplevel your take on things and experience more joy? Learn more about working with me as your coach. 



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