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Meaningful Change: A Workshop Blog

Last week, I wrote how physical exercise was the top area faculty and residents alike identified that, if changed, could make the most improvement in their well-being and joy. And so this week, I wanted to walk you through a framework that can be easily applied to lifestyle changes of many kinds, including exercise - workshop style! As a review – there are some key concepts I’ve written about previously regarding movement and exercise, so if this is important to you right now...

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Meaningful Change for Well-being and Joy

charm joy well-being Jun 10, 2023

I’ve had the privilege recently of partnering with six family medicine residency programs for my CHARM Well-Being Leaders Certificate Course project. CHARM is the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine, an international group of medical educators, academic medical center leaders, experts in burnout research and interventions, and trainees, all working to promote trainee well-being. It is hosted by Mount Sinai and led by recognizable names such as Dr. Saadia Akhtar, Dr....

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The Dream of Possibility: My Idea of Ideal Coaching within GME.

In a follow-up to the What is Physician Coaching? blog series, I thought I’d take a minute to write out what I felt is the ideal way for physician coaching to be used in graduate medical education (I explored the possibilities a couple of weeks ago). Dr. Michele Chestovich, a fellow family physician and coach, challenged me with this question after we concluded a recording for her podcast, Re-mind Yourself(When this blog was published, the episode hadn't been released)....

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Dr Sasha Shillcutt hosts me on her Brave Enough Podcast

Join me in a discussion with Dr Shillcutt about how we deal with change - even those changes with which we don't agree, on her podcast, The Brave Enough Show

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Blog Interview: Dr Marion McCrary, GME Coaching Leader, Shares her Path and Pearls

Periodically, I interview a physician that will give you tips to enjoy medicine, find fulfillment, relieve stress, and more. (I'm never an affiliate for them. I'm always just a fan). Today, seemed like the perfect day to host Dr Marion McCrary who is dedicated to primary care and physician wellbeing since we just concluded our What is Physician Coaching? blog series. Specifically, last week, we looked at the many possibilities of incorporating coaching into graduate medical...

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Blog Interview: Dr Errin Weisman - Family Physician and Burnout Coach Shares Pearls

Periodically, I interview a physician that will give you tips to enjoy medicine, find fulfillment, relieve stress, and more. (I'm never an affiliate for them. I'm always just a fan). Today, seemed like the perfect day to host Errin Weisman, DO as we are in the middle of the What is Physician Coaching? Series. Errin is a family physician in Indiana and a physician coach who leverages group coaching for the good of each individual. Read on to learn a little more about her and her...

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Dr Jessie Mahoney hosts me on her Mindful Healers Podcast

culture change gme podcast Apr 07, 2023

Listen in as Dr Jessie Mahoney and I talk about the key to culture change in medicine on her Mindful Healers Podcast. 

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Dr Siobhan Key hosts me on her Thriving as a Physician Podcast

Join me in a conversation with Dr Key, family physician and coach, as we discuss ways to interact with medical students and residents as community physicians in her podcast - Thriving as a Physician.

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Dr Marion McCrary hosts me on the ResetMD podcast

podcast reset well-being Apr 03, 2023

Join me as Dr McCrary and I discuss my "Reset" on the ResetMD podcast. We also discuss a few tips for wellness. 

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Blog Interview: How and Why Dr. Una Started her Own Successful Private Practice and More

Periodically, I interview a physician that will give you tips to enjoy medicine, find fulfillment, relieve stress, and more. Today, seemed like the perfect day to host Nneka Unachukwu, MD, better known as Dr. Una. since we have just concluded the series of creating your ideal future. She combined her vision and belief of what's possible with consistent effort, education, and pivoting to create a successful pediatric practice and a business school for physicians. She also knows...

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