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residents, faculty,

and other 


have to say

about coaching

with me

Residency and Faculty Development Programs

Our rural residency program has been privileged to learn from Dr Tonya Caylor! For the past three years, she has not only provided faculty development sessions on helping residents struggling with performance challenges in areas such as professionalism, efficiency, and finding meaning in their careers, but she has also provided one-on-one consultations and coaching to faculty and residents. Dr. Caylor is wise, professional, and creative, and her approach is collaborative, thoughtful, and compassionate. We look forward to working together with her for many years! 

- Robert Gobbo, MD - Program Director, Hood River Family Medicine Training Program


In Keeping resident wellness initiatives engaging, relevant and personalized can be a challenge. At FMRWM we were seeking something that would enhance each resident’s personal well-being. Joy in Family Medicine coaching with Dr. Caylor was exactly the answer we were looking for! Our residents have been able to engage in confidential, personalized coaching that is tailored to their needs. An R3 stated “it was the single most helpful hour of my residency.” Another resident learned real time strategies to completing their notes during the clinic which transformed their day-to-day practice and provided hope for a sustainable career. Our residents have found Dr. Caylor’s coaching extremely beneficial and relatable to their struggles as physicians. We look forward to continuing to offer this as part of our core wellness curriculum for the coming years!

-Ellen Bluett, PhD, Behavioral Science Faculty, Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana

Our decision to work with Tonya has been amazing. Tonya has worked with both residents and faculty in both group and Individual sessions. She has been able to demonstrate opportunities for residents to talk through physician specific problems with someone who is not their evaluator.  She has been instrumental in helping some of the residents think through job decisions and also overcome blocks related to managing their EMR. She has allowed faculty to find focus in their own career and what they needed to move forward. I highly recommend Tonya for other residency programs looking to add to their available resources for residents and faculty alike.

-Santina Wheat MD, MPH, Program Director Northwestern Family Medicine Residency, Erie Humboldt Park

All of us are keenly aware of the toll our profession can take on wellness. As an APD, I have felt ineffective in finding ways to positively and enduringly impact resident wellness. Based on our universally positive resident feedback, I think Joy in Family Medicine coaching is definitely one of the ways to address this concern. I really appreciate not having program faculty directly involved in this experience. It truly gives residents a safe space to be open and honest.

-Leslie Waldman, APD Northwest Washington Residency Program, Resident Hybrid Coaching Program and 2 Individual Resident Coaching Programs


In 2021, we added (Tonya's) individual and group professional coaching to replace individual learning plans for our faculty development program. Early career faculty, in particular, found this a productive way to focus on specific areas for professional growth.

-Nancy Stevens MD MPH, Professor Emeritus, Dept of Family Medicine University of Washington,      
Hybrid Coaching Program

Faculty Evaluations:  

Speaks from a place of intimate knowledge of what our lives are like while having this other training in areas that we really need.

(How coaching benefited me-) Professional identity development and confidence 

Its excellent and essential input for developing faculty

Loved this aspect (coaching in the faculty development program), the highest yield component for me.

I found it really valuable and would love more sessions! Her talks were also wonderful and inspiring.

Would have enjoyed more 1:1 sessions. She is such a wealth of knowledge. Really enjoyed that experience! 

Residents and Fellows

Residency is rough. It felt good to have someone outside of the program to talk about my struggles...Tonya helped me feel more at ease in my own skin. (Coaching) also helped improve my quality of life... even in relationships outside of residency.

-Cecile Dihn, MD, MPH R2 Individual 1:1 program

Loved and learned some excellent residency stress mitigation strategies. Well worth the investment in resident wellness.

-Livingston Martin, MD, R2 Hybrid Coaching Program 

(Tonya) was an active listener with open access in case we had questions outside of the session. It was most useful...thinking about how to go through residency from a mental and emotional standpoint. 

-Quincy John, MD R2 Hybrid Coaching Program

Finding a coach is like discovering your inner self, not that you cannot do it alone but the objective voice is necessary for true self discovery. Before Dr Caylor, I knew I needed something or someone to help guide me and my career journey, but I didn’t know the word was “coaching”. We connected through one of AMWA’s admin and I have not been the same ever since. My coaching with Dr Caylor has been life-altering, steering in a very positive light. I find that embracing my true self, adjusting my life lenses, do not come with a struggle, but with a stronger sense of self.

-Temmy B, MD, R3 Individual 1:1 Coaching program


Working with Dr. Caylor as my coach has alleviated years of feelings of burnout. Dr Caylor brings an intimate knowledge of residency training to her coaching sessions that galvanizes her compassionate, creative coaching style. The one-on-one coaching paired with the online learning modules make the coaching principles stick. I highly recommend coaching with Dr. Caylor to anyone in medicine, but especially those in training or just starting out."  

-Hannah B. Family Medicine OB Fellow, Individual 1:1 Coaching Program 


Discussing topics in medicine and life with someone who understands what it's like to go through FM residency was the most useful. Tonya is fantastic at framing concepts and diving in deeper to help operationalize things that we struggle with on a day-to-day basis. 

-R2 Hybrid Coaching Program Participant

The 1:1 sessions were beneficial...Sometimes they were OMG this was EXACTLY what I needed/was missing...

-R3 Hybrid Coaching Program Participant

The group sessions helped me see my peers are also feeling similar things as to what I was feeling."

-R2 Hybrid Coaching Program Participant

It was nice to have a few key take-home skills that we could apply starting right on day 1.


Engaged, helpful topics for stressful work environment.


(Tonya was) friendly and gave good tools to use in a quick time.


Excellent tips for efficiency that are doable.


I like the list of tips/tricks at the end to help with productivity. 

-Resident Group session evaluations R2 and R3, Hybrid Coaching Program 



This has been an extremely invaluable experience for me and I hope to continue utilizing some of my new skills. I can tell since I started meeting with you, I have had improvements in my work, relationships, and life in general. 

-Casey Gokey, MD, Attending Physician, 1:1 coaching program


(Coaching helped me with)
"Professional identity development and confidence."

"I wish I would have taken advantage of all the was EXTREMLEY beneficial. It helped me allow some forgiveness of myself...and work on boundaries with work/life balance."

- Comments from faculty in hybrid coaching program


I sought out coaching with Tonya during a time of transition at work, and it was one for the best things that I could've done. I had prior experience with coaching, but it was especially helpful to receive coaching from someone who understood the roles/responsibilities of being a family medicine faculty. She's compassionate, patient, and brilliant. I would highly recommend her coaching to anyone reading this. 

-Roma Amin, MD, APD, Grant Family Medicine Residency Faculty, 1:1 coaching program


"1:1 coaching helped me with clarity and direction and increased my confidence. It also helped my efficiency in 90% of my charts are done before leaving clinic. I'm more organized."

-Faculty Member, 1:1 coaching program.


She brings a gracious confidence to the challenges of residency and clinical practice. I have grown much from her coaching!"

-Rima Butler, MD, Attending Physician, 1:1 Coaching Sessions


"Coaching was the best part of the course for me. Life Changing! Thank you, Tonya"

"Engaging and Thought Provoking."

"Helped Clarify Purpose".

"Tonya was able to walk us through a difficult task in a step-by-step process." 

"Wonderful balance of professionalism and personability... provides an uplifting atmosphere."

- Comments from faculty in hybrid coaching program

I first interacted with Tonya through some faculty development and 1:1 coaching sessions with Tonya through a fellowship program for faculty physicians. I was in a time of transition in my career- new to a leadership position, transitioning back to work after maternity leave, balancing a growing family. Something about Tonya's practical style and focus on mindset really resonated with me, so I chose to pursue the full coaching course. Having someone to reflect on everything from daily work like giving constructive feedback to a resident that I had been struggling to connect with, to larger topics like how to build a professional identity that felt authentic in my new role was game changing. Even via Zoom Tonya was easy to connect with. I found her insight and personal experience as a faculty physician to be immensely valuable. I use her techniques and concepts not only in thinking about by own career, but in working with residents. If you think you would benefit from coaching, I highly recommend working with Tonya.

-Samantha Greenberg, MD, Rural Training Site Director, Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana, 1:1 coaching program

After several sessions with Tonya, I started asking myself more appropriate and actionable questions. She was able to help me get to the important questions BENEATH the questions I thought I wanted answers to! 

Lee M Jordan, MD US Air Force, Okinawa, Japan, 12-session Individual Coaching Program. 

…Dr. Caylor really listens and is a coach with lots of experience doing what I am doing and beyond. As a new university faculty member recently out of residency, I feel she really understands and helps guide solutions. Dr. Caylor provides great insight and thought provoking questions to help me solve challenges… Thank you Dr. Caylor for helping me recognize again that anything is possible with a little tweaking!” 

Attending FM Faculty, 12-session Individual Coaching Program


Tonya has an amazing gift of breaking down comple ideas into simple ones, which makes her an excellent educator. The course is very well made and organized. It flows beautifully and ideas definitely build on each other. I especially enjoyed the worksheet book with all the thought-provoking questions, which I am sure I will be going back to. Tonya helped me see barriers to my happiness of being a family doctor and educator and effictively helped me work through those barriers and limitations - the whole experience was like many light bulb moments. :) I enjoyed talking with her, she made me feel seen and understood...and I was able to immediately implement (the insights) in my workplace. I especially enjoyed the section on developing your ideal future and the encouragement to dream big!

Dr Michaela Lei, Core Faculty, Hunterdon Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program, Flemington, NJ, 12-week Individual Coaching Program. 

Getting to work with Tonya was an unexpected gift (because of participating in the Faculty Development Hybrid course through the UW network.)  Her objective lens and astute questions helped me move beyond the superficial and into deep meaningful change. My time with Tonya allowed me to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of how MY perceptions impacted my experiences. She gently challenged some of those perceptions and brought light to unconscious beliefs that were not supporting my personal growth. It is like uncovering what you did not know you needed to know. This has led to a greater sense of empowerment in dealing with my daily challenges. If you get a chance to work with Tonya, don’t pass it up – you will be amazed at what is possible. 

-Mary Zozaya, ARNP, MHA, Providence St Peter Family Medicine Residency, Faculty Hybrid Coaching Program


The sessions I experienced with Tonya Caylor were a good and insightful experience. Partly, because it forced me to pause and proactively engage with myself and my goals in a more directed process, and partly because it was such fun to be the facilitated person in a session as a medical practitioner instead of being the facilitator! I found the directed self-reflection, and immediate application to my role as a faculty person in a Family Medicine Residency Program useful and relevant.  Tonya’s follow up sessions and lectures provided further insight and provided me with a context for self-care, self-compassion, and more deliberate action both in my personal and professional context. I would highly recommend the experience to all medical providers. Allowing oneself the time and dedicating the energy to actively engage was beneficial to me as a medical practitioner.      

Claire Horn, DPT, FAAOMPT. Faculty, St Peter’s Family Medicine Residency Program, Faculty Hybrid Coaching Program


(Coaching) provided me a safe, confidential space to discuss what was challenging in clinic or a particular rotation... It let me go home and be at peace with my day and be more fulfilled... (Tonya) gave me tools that will carry on beyond residency. 

-Casey Kernan, DO R3 Individual 1:1 Coaching Program


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