We have been in a series looking at various aspects of physician coaching. We started with the definition and moved on to the coach and coachee components, the tools and approaches, and the evidence for physician coaching. This week, I want to move the conversation to attempt to answer one of the most common questions I receive. “If I want to receive coach training, where would you recommend?” This will be an incomplete response but, hopefully, give you more understanding. I have only one perspective to give in the setting of hundreds of thousands of coach training programs.
A question I like to offer back is - what do you want to do with your coach training once done? If it is to use those skills with your residents, then it's easy: Mass General, Dr. Kerri Palamara or Cleveland Clinic have phenomenal courses to do this although there are likely many others as well. Many faculty development programs, like the UW/Madigan Hybrid course offers the intro to coaching skills (I also offer these in a variety of settings for faculty development). If it's specifically to help your patients, then a one with a proven record is Well Coaches. (I have no financial relationship to any of these). If you're toying with becoming a professional coach for a change in career or side gig, it's a little more complex.
A couple of things to help start the conversation. 1. Coaching is an unregulated field. 2. Remember that, to date, most of the positive studies in coaching physicians are grounded in positive psychology and its relatives – strengths and values, appreciative inquiry, metacognition, etc. I have an inherent bias that coach training should be grounded in those approaches, not just goals, action planning, and accountability. Really, effective coaching engages and expands psychological flexibility.
Coach training can take various forms:
Individual training
Basic (also called novice, foundations, or fundamentals)– weekend courses, sessions at medical CME conferences, etc. If you look for them, you will find them. I want to highlight 2 that really help in the faculty development realm of basic coaching skills: Mass General Trainee Coach Training and Cleveland Clinic Center for Excellence in Coaching & Mentoring. If you are core faculty you will benefit from either of these courses that take minimal time committment relative to the ROI. Using coaching tools as a faculty, does not require expensive, time-consuming certification.
Formalized certifications:
No governing body qualifies when a course meets a "certificate" level. So the certificate signals that whatever training institutions deems worthy of its certificate. Generally, it implies a more extensive training process than a couple hour course.
University-based – many universities have a certificate coach training program, including Northwestern, Duke, Duquesne (where some of my colleagues trained) and UC Davis - where my friend and former senior resident, Dr. Kelly Derbin obtained her training. She uses her skills both within her organization and outside.
Coach Training Institutions – these are numerous. . I will highlight just a couple – if I don’t mention one, it certainly does not imply they aren’t great:
1. Life Coach School (LCS). This is where I obtained my first certification. It gives a robust foundational understanding of positive cognitive coaching and emotional processing. Dr. Katrina Ubell was the first physician I knew to train there. She’s been wildly impactful for physicians who are optimizing their weight. I had many of my patients listen to her podcast because the approach was so refreshing. When I was enrolled, we had six months of 1. Hour long weekly meetings in a small group with a master-certified coach supervising and training us. 2. One hour of peer coaching each week with our partner. 3. Hour of video training. 4. 1-2 hours of reading assignments and 5. Weekly worksheets 6. Coaching practicums each month. 7. It concluded with a practicum and written exam. Since that time, LCS has unfortunately changed their model a couple of times. It's also become even more expensive. When asked, I often say I feel I received a solid training and there are less expensive ways to obtain the skills in my opinion.
2. Physician Coaching Institute. Dr. Francine Gaillour runs this organization. They also have a great emphasis on the positive cognitive approach. My friend and colleague, Dr. Corinna Muller, MFM, trained there, and she has impacted many patients and physicians with her skill set. She and I also peer-coached together - so personally, I can attest to the beneficial nature of her approach.
3. Co-Active Institute (CTI). They are one of the oldest worldwide coach training programs. Well established with an excellent basis in pure coaching principles and positive aims. (I took their Foundations course while I was awaiting LCS to start. Dr. Gail Gazelle, one of the early leaders in physician coaching, did her training with them.
4. Wellcoaches. This is one of the most successful coach training programs out there and was cofounded by Margaret Moore who also cofounded the Institute of Coaching at Harvard/McLean. They were innovators in the coach training world impacting sustainable lifestyle changes. The skillset gave tools important in patient care and beyond clinical medicine. I have several colleagues who trained with Wellcoaches, and they are pleased with their training.
5. For what it's worth, I tried to find the training program of Dr. Dike Drummond (the first family physician coach, as far as I can tell, also known as The HappyMD). However, I don't think The Academy of Coach Training, Bellevue, is still around, at least by that name (it has been a while).
6. Other effective physician coaches I know obtained coach certifications from Wayfinder, IPEC, CORE, Healthcare Coaching Institute, Cleveland Clinic Center for Excellence in Coaching and Mentoring, Lancaster Leadership, Center for Executive Coaching, and PCCI. Costs and time commitments vary widely. If you're considering a training program, talk to a physician coach who trained there and even consider a coaching session with them.
-A couple of notable mentions: While not stand-alone full coach skill training programs, they enhance a baseline coach approach for significant gain:
1. Lodestar Trauma Informed Coaching. While many coaching programs offer some tips on coaching around trauma, Lodestar goes the extra mile to focus on best practices. I personally saw my coaching approach improve with the additional training of the Trauma Mitigation Course.
2. Positive Intelligence. Dr. Shirzad Charmain's approach is based on a positive cognitive approach married to mindful presence. I benefitted from the Foundations course. They offer certification, but it does not, in my mind, replace a whole foundation of coach skill training. Several of my colleagues have gone on to earn their certification in PI to supplement their initial coach certifications, and clients love it.
3. Other notable ones include Brene' Brown's Dare to Lead, Martha Beck, Byron Katie, Systemic Team Coaching, and Gallup Strengths Finders - a few that give additional tools for coaching, facilitating, and understanding integration for your clients.
-This is a very incomplete list, but I can only speak to what I have experienced or what my friends and colleagues have. I'm not an affiliate or have any financial ties to these organizations. And you will want to do your own due diligence.
Program/System-wide Coach Training
Again – there are likely others, but I will highlight the ones I know of in medicine that will give the basics of coach training to faculty or attending physicians:
Mass General Hospital Coach Training: Dr. Kerri Palamara partners with programs to train faculty to be novice coaches in an evidence-based approach and offers a curriculum for each training year. She uses the same format to train MGH/Harvard faculty novice coaches, which has been implemented in over 40 institutions. In addition to the positive studies with novice coaches for trainees, The Association of Women Surgeons had positive outcomes with this approach, as did the American Academy of Pediatric Surgery. I also have friends at Rush, Duke, and UCLA who have benefited from the program, which only takes about 10 hours or so of faculty time throughout the year. Overall, there were also positive responses from those trained as coaches. My understanding is that this approach was not as successful in coaching the physician faculty themselves.
Wellcoaches will also come into an organization and train designated persons desiring coaching skills to a higher certified level. In fact, MGH utilized Wellcoaches to certify their physician coaches for faculty physicians at a less expensive rate than hiring external coaches.
Healthcare Coaching Institute trained many faculty at UNC Chapel Hill.
If you think of Certification as finishing your residency and fellowship training program, you can think of accreditation as passing your boards. The vast difference is that coaching is an unregulated industry, unlike medicine. There are a couple of accrediting bodies that have risen to the occasion to improve standards and ethics, essentially acting as the ABFM to credential individuals. These entities also review coach training programs and endorse their materials, methods, and ethics, essentially acting like the ACGME accrediting training institutions.
The two largest ones in the US:
Most of the coach training programs I highlighted above are accredited by ICF and/or NBHWC – meaning that their coursework and some of the mentoring count toward your credential.
The Life Coach School is not ICF-accredited. My understanding is that their take on not being endorsed by ICF is both philosophically-principled and fiscally-based. Essentially, Brooke Castillo, LCS's owner and founder, started the company only 10 years after ICF was founded and appointed itself to an accrediting role. She saw no need to prove herself or pay them money to be approved when she felt her results spoke for themselves in an unregulated industry. In fact, many LCS coaches are very impactful and never go on to apply for ICF accreditation. One of the studies I mentioned last week was run entirely by LCS coaches, of which I believe I was the only one who had spent the extra time, effort, and money to gain the endorsement. So indeed, a lack of accreditation does not imply a lack of skill. LCS has also up-leveled its ethics, diversity, and mental health understanding/training over the last few years.
That being said, I chose to pursue my ICF PCC credential given the newness of coaching in residency programs, most of which are unaware of the nuances of training. They, therefore, appreciate knowing an independent body has vetted me as a coach. So, I went through the process and grew a bit with amazing mentor coaches. It took additional mentor coaching (time and money), submitting all the training I'd received, a meticulous recording of active coaching hours, a performance review (submitted coaching sessions critiqued by master coaches), documentation of additional course work, an organizational fee, and a written exam.
An upcoming potentially, um, interesting?, issue around accreditation/credentialing is around Physician Specific Competencies that several individuals at Harvard/McLean's Institute of Coaching (IOC) published in Mayo Proceedings. I see both sides of the issue 1. Physicians can be considered a vulnerable population these days, as our work and training are incredibly stressful and unique. Many feel that coaches need specific skills in working with doctors to avoid harm. And indeed, I talked a couple of weeks ago about some of the EAP coaches that weren't as helpful because they lacked contextual understanding. 2. On the other hand, it does feel like another hoop to jump through and another financial cost similar to the medical MOC process, which we physicians have been dissatisfied with for years. But I'm resigned that it will likely happen, and embrace the pros and cons.
A note about emerging coach hours: for most certifications and all credentialing bodies, coaches must complete a target number of coaching sessions. (Consider it similar to the 1650 continuity patient visits family medicine residents have historically needed to graduate.) Coaches must hit the number and usually do so by reduced or free coaching sessions - if you’re looking for a bargain. Also, make a note to log those hours if you will be credentialing as you'll need to show your documentation to ICF.
Okay, I hope that answers most of the questions.
Next week, we will conclude the blog series with how coaching is being used in the GME world and its potential.
Until then, have a joy-filled week! Tonya
Learn more about my hybrid coaching program for family medicine residencies.
Original blog 5/2023, updated 7/2024
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