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Cultivating Joy in the Journey of Medicine - Awareness

We are on a blog journey about finding and creating joy along our paths in medicine. Last week, we defined joy for the purposes of this blog - at two levels - a broader affective state and a momentary emotion. This week, I want to turn our attention to awareness - where wonderful things start to find their way under our agency. Awareness of the Trap, the Current Joys, the Gap, and Possibility of finding joy in the journey. 


The Trap. Let's recap and take a deeper dive into...

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Optimizing Your Mindset in Medicine, Step 3 - Thought Framework

Over the last two weeks, I’ve laid out two fundamental steps to optimize your frame of mind. If you do nothing else, that alone is beneficial.  This week, I’m ratcheting it up a notch to a more advanced step. This is the Thought Model Framework, developed from positive cognitive psychology by Brooke Castillo, master certified coach.


It’s essentially a framework for those of us who are not behavioral science experts to up-level our mindset.


The model is...

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Action Needed: Physician's Self-Prescription for the Wellbeing of Medicine

We are in a three-week series called Action Needed for the Wellbeing of Medicine. Last week we covered well-being from an organizational standpoint because we know that 80% of the contributors toward burnout are related to the systems.  Today we are shifting our focus to the 20% that we have some control over to prevent and treat burnout and improve our own wellbeing.


First, let me start by saying I know you are already resilient. The rigorous process of premed, MCAT, medical...

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