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Aspirations for an Ideal Future in Medicine: Mindset Challenges

This week we continue the series on fostering an ideal future in medicine. In the first week, we looked at the larger state of medicine and its future. Now, we are walking through the mindset hurdles that commonly hold us back from enjoying the most fulfilling careers we can create within the existing system.


Mindset Hurdles. There are four parts of your mindset that, if left unchecked, can hold you back from a more ideal future

1. Small dreams and not unpacking the vision. (...

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Aspirations for an Ideal Future in Medicine: Your Ideal Practice

We spent a moment last week dreaming about a positive future for medicine. Today, I want to hone the focus down to you as the individual physician to foster your ideal practice.  I will walk you through a few activities over the next couple of weeks for you to develop your plan.


Purpose Reflection. It will be helpful for you to dig out your purpose in your career statement. If you haven’t written one in a while, you can review how to do that here.  Take a minute to...

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Aspirations for an Ideal Future in Medicine: The Big Picture

I’d love to use this month to spur you to dream again. Not like seeing the back of your eyelids, sawing the ZZZ’s dreaming (though I hope you prioritize sleep). Also, not the type of escapism-type dreams that sounds so alluring when we are exhausted: “I wonder what it would be like to become the Walmart greeter….”  But the type in which you imagine how rich life can be moving forward – the dreaming you have likely done off and on since childhood, but...

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Blog Interview: How and Why Dr. Una Started her Own Successful Private Practice and More

Periodically, I interview a physician that will give you tips to enjoy medicine, find fulfillment, relieve stress, and more. Today, seemed like the perfect day to host Nneka Unachukwu, MD, better known as Dr. Una. since we have just concluded the series of creating your ideal future. She combined her vision and belief of what's possible with consistent effort, education, and pivoting to create a successful pediatric practice and a business school for physicians. She also knows...

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How Dr Muller Took Charge of her Life and Moved into her Ideal Future

Periodically, I will be interviewing a physician that will give you tips to enjoy medicine, find fulfillment, relieve stress, and more. Today seemed like the perfect day to host Dr. Corinna Muller since we are in the series of creating your ideal future. And she has done just that. I met Dr. Muller - Corinna-  around 2012 when she began working in a hospital-owned MFM practice in Alaska. She was gracious, kind, and helpful to me, the residents, and the patients we served. Now, as a...

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