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Aspirations for an Ideal Future in Medicine: Mindset Challenges

This week we continue the series on fostering an ideal future in medicine. In the first week, we looked at the larger state of medicine and its future. Now, we are walking through the mindset hurdles that commonly hold us back from enjoying the most fulfilling careers we can create within the existing system.


Mindset Hurdles. There are four parts of your mindset that, if left unchecked, can hold you back from a more ideal future

1. Small dreams and not unpacking the vision. (Covered last week).

2. Fear.

3. Limiting beliefs.

4. Your inner critic.


Fear. It’s natural. It’s an adaptive emotion. It keeps us safe in so many arenas. Unfortunately, it can unnecessarily hold us back if we don’t tune into what’s actually underlying the fears.


Recalibrate. Think back to the future dreams and visions that you wrote last week (and even the ones you were too afraid to admit to fully). If you waved the magic wand that I lent you again and removed all possibility of failure and fear, what, if anything, would you modify about your vision?


Name it. Now that you have that on your mind – what scares you the most? Is it change, discomfort, potential failure, being judged, being rejected, or something else? Please take a minute and write them all down.  


Reframe. Now let’s unpack a better way to look at fear and failure. If you avoid the fear, especially of failing, you are essentially failing ahead of time. What if you had avoided the fear by not gloving up for that first exhilarating procedure, delivery, or patient encounter? You would never have become the physician you are!


Embrace Discomfort. Here’s the secret: you can decide to be willing to feel fear. It’s not comfortable (except to those adrenaline junkies). It’s an emotion we feel in our bodies. Sometimes, we even watch movies, read books, and get on roller coasters to experience it on purpose. It’s within your ability to muster courage and move forward.


You can learn to step into the discomfort and embrace it as part of normal growth. FAIL = First Attempt in Learning. It is failing forward. Failure is just data collection to move toward further iterations—all helpful ways of reframing. Brooke Castillo often uses the example of a unicycle rider. It takes 15 hours of riding it to be able to stay on. If you tried and fell off one time per minute – that’s 900 fails - before you even ride!


Fear-Setting Exercising. Let’s use a fear-setting exercise I learned from Dr. Jennifer Hunt to right-size our fears and see them accurately to make a more informed decision. Make three columns on your paper. In the first column, list the 5-10 worst outcomes if you take risks to move toward that ideal vision of you in medicine. In the second column, for each potential outcome in the first, write one or more prevention strategies. In the 3rd column, for each potential outcome in the first column, write one or more bad outcome “fixes” you could take if it happens. Now - with a bit more objectivity, you can make a better-informed decision about what you want to risk. 



Inner Critic. I wrote a whole blog series on the inner critic and made a little video


But the short version is – we all have negative self-talk.

Awareness. Tune in and realizing how you think of and talk to yourself is critical. Once you are aware, you can realize you wouldn’t talk to anyone else like that.

Exercise self-compassion. Even your inner critic is likely trying to keep you “safe” somehow. So maybe it has good intentions, but the methods are very misguided.

Get curious. What do you believe about yourself as the objective observer?

Create distance. Whether in the first or third person, shift it to the inner critic and label it as a thought. (“Oh, I see my inner critic "Mrs Cobb"  is saying, ‘I’ll mess it up like always.’  That's just a thought I’ve rehearsed over and over.”)

Challenge the narrative. What is evidence in the opposite direction? When have you done things well?

Gamify. Each time you recongize your inner critic, say "Aha, I caught you again!" (Thanks to Charity Hix for that one!)

Shift to your inner fan. After catching your inner critic, shift your self-talk to like you would speak to a friend.


I’d love to hear what you learned about yourself this week. Next week we will tackle those limiting beliefs.

Until then, have a joy-filled week! Tonya

My private coaching course for individual physicians walks you through detailed steps to ditch unnecessary suffering, protect and increase your energy, and foster your ideal future, with me coaching you along the way.

Originally published 2/2023, updated 11/2024. 


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