I’ve had the privilege recently of partnering with six family medicine residency programs for my CHARM Well-Being Leaders Certificate Course project. CHARM is the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine, an international group of medical educators, academic medical center leaders, experts in burnout research and interventions, and trainees, all working to promote trainee well-being. It is hosted by Mount Sinai and led by recognizable names such as Dr. Saadia Akhtar, Dr....
Join me as Dr McCrary and I discuss my "Reset" on the ResetMD podcast. We also discuss a few tips for wellness.
Stress, Burnout, and Moral injury in healthcare
I recently listened to Brené Brown’s podcast on Burnout with Emily and Amelia Nagoski, twin sisters, who wrote the book Burnout: Unlocking the Stress Cycle. If you haven’t listened to it, I recommend it: Podcast link (summary tips at the end of my blog).
As I do more often since I’ve been coaching, I reflected how poorly we as physicians process emotions in general. I plan a future blog devoted wholly...
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