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Practical tips for stress, exploring burnout vs moral injury, and more.

Stress, Burnout, and Moral injury in healthcare


I recently listened to Brené Brown’s podcast on Burnout with Emily and Amelia Nagoski, twin sisters, who wrote the book Burnout: Unlocking the Stress Cycle. If you haven’t listened to it, I recommend it: Podcast link (summary tips at the end of my blog).


As I do more often since I’ve been coaching, I reflected how poorly we as physicians process emotions in general. I plan a future blog devoted wholly...

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Video: Committing to your health as you serve others regarding their health.


My latest Vlog on exercise and movement as busy physicians.

Pro tip: Don't add it to your "should do" list - add it to your "I get to list" and then commit to it but allow flexibility and self-compassion.  

Start low and build up slowly if it's been awhile.


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Video: Fast and healthy are not mutually exclusive.


By spending 5 minutes on meals before leaving for work- you can find a healthy breakfast and prep a healthy lunch. Here are my go - to's. You can find your own. You're smart - get your brain working on what way you can get fruits/veggies/whole grains/protein in for breakfast and lunch in fast manner. Making choice in the morning will help you from choosing a less healthy choice at lunch when you're hungry and suffering from decision fatigue.

Have a joy filled day!  Tonya

Work with me. L...

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