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Psychological Fitness Foundations, Part 6 - Autonomy in Training

We are finally in the last chapter of autonomy as one of three key underpinnings of psychological fitness for physicians – autonomy, relatedness, and competence. This week, I will attempt to tackle – imperfectly so – the unique situation of autonomy for residents and fellows. After all, trainees are not different in what supports their psychological health than attendings.


Autonomy of task/technique (i.e., supervision): Most discussions about autonomy for trainees...

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Coaching vs Mentoring, A Word for Trainees and External Coaches

This week we are concluding the coaching vs. mentoring blog series in academic medicine. So far, I've offered the impetus for this series and my reflections on it, the difference between coaching and mentoring, strictly speaking, and the approach for core faculty, as I see it. Now, I'm coming full circle to mentoring and coaching related to residents, fellows, and external coaches. 


I am often the first professional coach with whom a resident has ever worked. Many...

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Video: Committing to your health as you serve others regarding their health.


My latest Vlog on exercise and movement as busy physicians.

Pro tip: Don't add it to your "should do" list - add it to your "I get to list" and then commit to it but allow flexibility and self-compassion.  

Start low and build up slowly if it's been awhile.


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