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Psychological Fitness Foundations, SDT Part 3 - Autonomy of Time

We are in a series exploring the three foundational needs for physicians to optimize their psychological fitness – autonomy, connectedness, and competence (SDT). This week, we will reflect on time, the first of four domains within autonomy for physicians - Time, Tasks, Team, and Techniques. I'll also highlight a fifth "T" – Thoughts/Mindset within each facet as we unpack them each week.


Time. There is great variety in the amount of autonomy given to physicians. Many...

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Action Needed: Physician's Self-Prescription for the Wellbeing of Medicine

We are in a three-week series called Action Needed for the Wellbeing of Medicine. Last week we covered well-being from an organizational standpoint because we know that 80% of the contributors toward burnout are related to the systems.  Today we are shifting our focus to the 20% that we have some control over to prevent and treat burnout and improve our own wellbeing.


First, let me start by saying I know you are already resilient. The rigorous process of premed, MCAT, medical...

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