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Physician Success Tool: Growing in Confidence Part 1

We all have areas we are more confident in than other areas of our lives. It's natural. Overcoming insecurities is a powerful thing that takes dedication and trust. In the coming weeks, we will uncover the issues that get in the way of this process and open a dialogue about having self-confidence when doing something new. Today we dig into the typical process of growing in confidence.


Merriam-Webster gives the essential definition of confidence as "a feeling or belief that you...

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Video: Exploring Limiting Beliefs


In this month's Vlog I discuss limiting beliefs and how you can start to uncover them and decide if you want to change them or not.  

As a physician, they can show up in your career or outside of work. How do you describe yourself? What things do you believe about yourself that are keeping you from growth, reaching for higher goals, or just keeping you stuck?  Do you want to be chief? Do you want to climb the academic ladder? Maybe you had a fleeting thought of becoming the CMO? Are...

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Shaming Feedback vs Growth feedback - take homes from Duolingo.

Can we talk about all things feedback? Feedback can be beneficial for doctors to gain awareness of strengths and opportunities for improvement.  As physicians who went through innumerable tests and critiques before and during medical school, we can fall into some unhealthy patterns around evaluations throughout training and in ongoing board certification and quality measures.  The impact of any feedback actually depends not only on the methods and the giver but on how it’s...

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