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Well-being Investment: Nutrition

(NEW) TLDR at the bottom*

We are looking at your investment in your own well-being with the emphasis this go round on physical health. To date, we reviewed a helpful lifestyle change framework. We have also explored movement and exercise along with sleep. Today’s focus: That hot-button, often controversial topic, historically poorly taught in medical training that every influencer seems to have a strong opinion regarding:  Nutrition 

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Self-care revisited: Healthy Nutrition

nutrition self-care Aug 21, 2021

We are on part 3 of a 4-part series on getting back to the basics of self-care. The first week, we covered its importance and the objections. Last week we looked at restorative sleep. This week we tackle nutrition.


The amount of contradictory nutrition information out there is dizzying.  I’m going to give you my best tips I’ve collected from resources I consider reliable. Also, I recommend any of Harvard’s Lifestyle Medicine courses as they are amazing. (And, no,...

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Video: Self-Care is not selfish


Self-care isn't going to remove all the various external difficulties in the system, but it will bolster your natural resilience and renew your energy for the tasks at hand. 

Recognize that you need to recharge regularly. You will have more energy and presence in all other areas of your life. It is not selfish. Pick one area you know you'd benefit from if done regularly.

1. Prioritize it and put it on the schedule.

2. Keep your promise to yourself.

3. Have fun rediscovering what is...

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