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Transformation -- the work of shifting your beliefs of who you are

(Original post 7/21, updated 12/23)

This is the last post of a 5-part series on change, transition, and transformation


Today we look at a tool you can use to challenge your beliefs – especially those you want to change. What are the things you would like to believe about yourself? What are the results you want? Who do you want to be no matter the circumstance you face?  How do you want to show up – in your practice, in your relationships, in the world? 


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Resolutions or Transformation? Continuing the conversation about physicians and change.

(Original post 6/21, update 12/23)

It's the beginning of a New Year. Positive intentions for change are in the air. This week we take our Changes and Transitions blog, one step further…to Transformation.  The words Change, Transition, and Transformation are often interchanged, but I want to offer a different take. Psychologists such as Dr. William Bridges and other social scientists have studied and clarified the differences. 

Change relates to behaviors...

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