Last week we looked at the natural progression of confidence. However, we all know confidence doesn't always follow the expected course, and often even when it's high, something knocks it down. So, this week, we look at why that happens.
There are at least six common saboteurs of confidence. 1. Maladaptive perfectionism. 2. An overly boisterous inner critic. 3. Impostor Phenomenon. 4. Comparison. 5. Over-reliance on external validation. 6. Projected Judgment. Many of...
For the past three weeks, we've been delving into impostor phenomenon – the definition, its effects, and helpful tips to improve. This week we look at two final aspects of impostor phenomenon. 1. Maintaining progress 2. How to help others experiencing intense or frequent impostor side effects.
Several of the books and authors mentioned last week highlight the importance of having a team of people you trust to play specific roles in maintaining a better self-assessment. I...
Over the last 2 weeks, we have discussed the definition, demographics, and major concepts of impostor phenomenon (IP) along with how it shows up and its negative side-effects. This week, I’m giving you a smash-up of recommendations for improvement based on four key references (below) along with a smattering of conferences, podcasts, and my experiences, including personal, clinical, academic, and coaching. There exists much overlap - it's always a good thing when various experts...
Okay, last week, we looked at the definition, demographics, and some concepts around Impostor Phenomenon (IP), aka Impostor Syndrome. This week, I want to review how it shows up and why it matters. There are real side effects to living in the Impostor Cycle, especially for those with frequent or intense impostor tendencies. I’ve listed common ones below:
Avoidance of personal and professional advancements:
Avoid difficult situations or risks
Throughout the rest of January, we will tackle the topic of impostor phenomenon, aka impostor syndrome. Today we will mainly unpack the definition, look briefly at demographics, how it shows up, and some key points from my perspective. We will unpack why it matters and practical steps to gain some relief in the following weeks. Finally, we will discuss tips for interacting with those experiencing intense impostor symptoms.
So, what exactly is impostor phenomenon (IP)? Essentially IP is...
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