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Physician Coaching vs Mentoring, Clarifying the Roles in Academics

Last week, I walked through personal reflections about mentoring vs. coaching from the perspective of a former core faculty member and current coach in academics. This week, I want to take a stab at explaining the difference and the overlap.


As Faculty. First, let’s think through the five primary ways we relate to trainees. Dr. Tony Tsai, with the University of Utah Health, Utah Advancement Coaching Network does a great job delineating four key relationships in this graphic...

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Reflections on Mentoring and Coaching in Academics, A Coach's Perspective

academics coach mentor Nov 05, 2022

I’ve been thinking about writing on this topic for a while now. However, it wasn’t until a strategy coaching call (the initial exploratory call prospective clients have with me) that I found the urgency to sort through my own thoughts and offer clarity to myself and hopefully to others. During the call with a trainee, she said something that I couldn’t shake. She began the call near tears with, “I told my partner that I guess I’m going to have to pay to get a...

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