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A Fresh Look at Resiliency in Medicine, Self-Evaluation Part 2

We are in the middle of a series of fresh perspectives on resiliency in medicine in which the entire system is considered - not just an individuals. Last week, I started you on a resiliency self-evaluation using Dr. Kemia Serraf’s model of a dam system. This week, we are continuing to audit your ability to snap back after daily challenges, including unexpected ones. Do you have your pen and paper or digital writing device?


Let's define resiliency more fully once...

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A Fresh Look at Resiliency in Medicine, Overview

resilience resources Jan 20, 2024

We all know that the term and concept of resilience have felt as if it's been used against physicians (and other healthcare workers) in recent years. The implication was that a lack of fortitude on behalf of physicians was the cause of burnout and moral injury. We all know that burnout is an occupational issue, not a mental health condition. And that moral injury is the result of feeling we have to practice in a way that goes against our core values. 


Resilience is the...

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